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Heat- and smoke ventilation system

Firecon Ltd. is a Czech company working on the production, installation and maintenance of skylights and heat- and smoke ventilation systems.

We found the price/value ratio of their products definitely competitive on the Hungarian market, so since 2016 we did work together on the SHEVS installation of 96 000 sqm of industrial building area on 6 locations.  

We did establish a closer cooperation since 2019, supporting their expansion and local operation in Hungary.

Please find and download the product catalog with all the useful information about the product line.

We are more than happy to assist you, please don't hesitate to contact us.

About occupational safety in general

The fundamental goal of occupational health and safety is to create safe working conditions for organized work -by regulating personal and material conditions-, the basic principles of which are laid down in Act XCIII of 1993 on occupational health and safety. determined by law.

We are talking about a wide-ranging system consisting of several areas, which requires not only adequate preparation and thorough education, but also continuous coordination.

The task of the occupational safety and health specialist is to assess the specific work process and the associated risks in order to reduce them with effective rules.

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous sectors based on experience and statistics, which is why this field plays an outstanding role in this sector. 

Our employees

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Garamszegi Bernadett

Építőmérnök, Projektvezető

A pre-development szolgáltatások koordinátora


Várhelyi Enikő

Társtulajdonos, műszaki igazgató

A tervezési és pre-development üzletág vezetője

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